Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems

The XVIII edition of OECS, the International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS 18), will take place in Lecce (Italy) from 12 to 16 of June 2023. OECS is a bi-annual conference that gathers scientists interested in the areas of optical excitations of semiconductors with specific attention on the physics of excitons, trions and collective excitations in different materials and photonic nanostructures. Moreover, the conference will cover aspects related to the onset of coherent phenomena and light-matter interactions, quantum optical properties and many-body physics as well as optical properties of emerging new materials. In this edition a particular attention will be given to young researchers and PhD students which are encouraged to participate in order to promote discussions and collaborations on new ideas and challenges arising in the community.

Welcome to OECS18

Join us for a welcome cocktail on Sunday 11th at 17:00 at Palazzo Turrisi-Palumbo

Topics of OECS 18 include but are not limited to

  • Excitons in colloidal nanocrystals and nanoplatelets
  • Excitons in molecules and dots
  • Excitons in perovskites
  • Excitons in emerging two-dimensional materials
  • Excitons in photonic and plasmonic structures
  • Novel polariton systems, polariton condensates, nanostructures
  • Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons and polaritons
  • Coherent and transient optical phenomena in excitons and polaritons
  • Quantum optics and coherent control of excitons
  • Nonlinear and magneto-optical spectroscopy of excitons
  • Exciton-mediated optomechanics in confined systems
  • Organic excitons and polaritons

Recent news

Follow this space to see the most recent updates regarding OECS 18 @Lecce.
Monday, February 20, 2023 blog
The registration is officially closed. Thanks to everyone that submitted an abstract and thanks for …
Thursday, February 09, 2023 blog
OECS18 now has a twitter account. We can now send bite-sized news and pretty pictures of Lecce direc…
Thursday, January 05, 2023 blog
Registration for OECS18 is officially open! Please go to the registration page, download the templat…
Monday, November 14, 2022 blog
The organising committee, based on the suggestions of the program committee, has invited key experts…